The Schools Protection Program (SPP) originated and is administered and delivered by the Risk Management Branch (RMB) of the Ministry of Finance, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education. This self-insured program has been in existence since March 1, 1987 as a response to the hard insurance market of the mid 1980's. SPP and similar programs have saved hundreds of millions of dollars in premiums.
Our mandate is to provide professional risk management services for all BC public schools (K-12) including:
- the provision of direct or indirect risk management advice and loss control inspections.
- administration of SPP and other risk, insurance or loss funding programs, including related claims and litigation management services; and
Our core services are:
- Education/Resources
- Administrators' Handbook
- Newsletters/Published Risk Advice
- Educational Sessions - Risk Management Advisory Services
- SPP Consultants
- Loss Control Services
- Purchase of Insurance - Claims and Litigation Management
- Coverage Agreements
- Administration of SPP Self-Insurance Component (Property, Crime, Liability)
Schools Protection Program documents contained in this system are for information purposes only. To verify the accuracy and currency of this information, please contact SPP at (250) 356-1794.